
People thrive when you empower them to shape their own story


Quila On February 8, 2020, Silver Linings Rescue was contacted by Janet Showley, the Executive Director of the Fulton County Animal Shelter. She was seeking rescue for a senior female dog


Oliver - by Kathy George & Rachel DiGregorio I occasionally help with the rehoming of pets and received a call from my groomer asking if I could help two dogs whose owner, Sam, was going

Suki Update!

Suki Update! Suki was one of our very first cases and we learned a lot from him. He was our first intake and I fostered him from March- April 2019. Once he returned home, I became

My New Old Man

My New Old Man We met in a parking lot. Our first picture together – taken by the lovely and over-extended Rescue Rep – depicts all three of us as nervous deer in headlights. We've never